


Island Living - Apartments

  • 1-story units (no steps), kitchen/dining area, 1 bath, 2 bedrooms, 3-season porch (4 units only) & private entrance
  • Attached single garage 


Island Estates
6 One Bed/One Bath Condos located at 420 South 11th Street
Laundry, Fireplace, Patio, Indoor Parking
Call 320-522-0819


Goelz I & II Apartments
16 units located at 725 and 761 South 9th Street
Rental assistance available to those who qualify.   Some utilities included
Call (320)269-6640 ext. 29
e-mail office@vanbllc.com


Main Street Apartments
8 units located at 250 South Main Street
One story, 1 bedroom/bath, on-site washer/dryer
Call 507-354-4725


Burton Apartments
Located at 214 South Main Street
Call 651-274-1590


Rham Apartments
Located at 110 Dogwood Avenue
4 Units, 2 bedrooms each.
Call Matt Rham, 612-695-0738